It's that time of year again: the opening round of voting for the Goodreads Choice Awards! And I've learned something interesting this year: in every category, the 5 most written-in books can become semifinalists.
So, here's what I'm hoping you wonderful people will do:
Scroll to the bottom.
Where it says Write-in Vote, put in The Mummy of Monte Cristo and click Vote!
It's as easy as that! But of course, Horror isn't the only category, so my fellow Immortal Works authors have some other suggestions for write-in votes:
Mystery & Thriller: Deleted, by Ruth Mitchell
Fantasy: Guardians of the Garden, by Theresa Pocock
Romance: The King's 100, by Karin Biggs
Science Fiction: Becoming Human, by Amy Michelle Carpenter
Debut Novel: Unfit, by Karma Chesnut
Young Adult Fiction: Abnormally Abbey, by Allan Evans
Young Adult Fantasy & Sci-fi: Blood Numbers, by C. F. Kreitzer
Middle Grade & Children's: Swallowed by a Secret, by Risa Nyman
Voting in the opening round closes on November 8th 2020!